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网址:www.tuinabaojian.cn  2023-12-26  作者:admin    阅读:

哮喘是小儿常见的一种呼吸道疾病,临床上常以阵发性呼吸困难,呼气延长,喉间有哮鸣声,严重时张口抬肩,难以平卧为特征。多见于春秋季节。气候突变,寒温失宜,饮食不当等为本病诱发因素。古人认为哮与喘不同,《医学正传》说:“喘促喉间如水鸣声者谓之哮,气促而连续不能以息者谓之喘”。但在临床上哮必兼喘,故一般通称为哮喘。小儿哮喘多指支气管哮喘。 (病因病理)小儿哮喘病的形成有内因和外因两个方面。《证治汇补》说:“内因有壅塞之气,外有非时之感,膈有胶固之痰,三者相合,闭拒气道,搏击有声,发为哮喘病”。 1、内因 本病的发生与肺、脾、肾三脏不足有关。肺虚表卫不固,痰邪内状;脾虚运化失职,不能行其津液,积湿生痰,上贮于肺;肾虚不能纳气,则气短而喘。 2、外因 气候转变,寒温失调,外邪侵袭肺脏,肃降失常,肺气壅塞,呼吸不利,气逆而喘。 哮喘是由于外来因素作用于内在因素而发病。素有特异体质的小儿,对某些刺激特别敏感,如外感风寒或饮食不当,过食生冷或咸酸食物等,常可导致现出发作。反复发作则可导致肺气耗散,病程日久肺虚及肾,出现肾阳虚亏的症候。
Asthma is a common respiratory disease in children, often characterized by paroxysmal difficulty breathing, prolonged exhalation, wheezing in the throat, and in severe cases, difficulty lying flat with the mouth open and shoulders raised. Commonly seen in spring and autumn seasons. Climate change, inappropriate cold and temperature, and improper diet are the triggering factors for this disease. The ancients believed that wheezing was different from wheezing. According to "Medical Biography", "wheezing is called wheezing when the throat sounds like water, while wheezing is called wheezing when the breath is short and cannot be breathed continuously.". But in clinical practice, asthma must be accompanied by asthma, so it is generally referred to as asthma. Childhood asthma often refers to bronchial asthma. The formation of pediatric asthma has two aspects: internal and external causes. The book "Zheng Zhi Hui Bu" states: "The internal cause is the obstruction of qi, the external cause is the feeling of non timing, and the diaphragm has phlegm that is fixed by glue. The three are combined, blocking the airway, making a sound in the beating, and developing asthma.". 1. The occurrence of this disease is related to the deficiency of the lungs, spleen, and kidneys. Lung deficiency with weak external defense and internal phlegm evil; Spleen deficiency leads to dereliction of duty in transportation and transformation, inability to circulate body fluids, accumulation of dampness and phlegm, and storage in the lungs; Kidney deficiency cannot absorb qi, resulting in shortness of breath and wheezing. 2. External factors such as climate change, imbalance of cold and temperature, invasion of external pathogens into the lungs, abnormal cooling, obstruction of lung qi, difficulty breathing, and wheezing due to qi inversion. Asthma is caused by external factors acting on internal factors. Children with a unique constitution are particularly sensitive to certain stimuli, such as external cold or improper diet, overeating raw, cold, or salty and sour foods, which can often lead to seizures. Repeated attacks can lead to the dissipation of lung qi, prolonged disease course with lung deficiency and kidney deficiency, resulting in symptoms of kidney yang deficiency.
Asthma can be divided into cold, heat, and cold asthma combined with yang deficiency. The Complete Book of Jingyue records: "Asthma is also known as asthma, which occurs when encountering cold or labor.". Exogenous wind cold, cold accumulation in the lung and phlegm accumulation, or deficiency of the body's yang, qi not transforming into jin, leading to cold phlegm accumulation and asthma. If there is deficiency of yin in the body, phlegm and heat stagnation in the lungs, or if cold phlegm accumulates for a long time and turns into heat, it will develop into asthma. Repeated attacks of asthma, dissipation of lung qi, deficiency of kidney yang, and inability to absorb qi result in cold asthma and yang deficiency.

