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网址:www.tuinabaojian.cn  2023-09-19  作者:admin    阅读:



"Holding method" is to use the thumb and food, the middle two fingers relative force (or with the thumb and the other four fingers relative force), take a certain part and acupoint, do a tight, a loose grip. The holding action should be gentle and coherent, not intermittent; the strength should be light to heavy, not sudden. "Holding method" has strong stimulation, and is often used in the acupoints on the neck, shoulders, limbs and the parts with fuller muscles in combination with other methods.
“按法”是用手指或手掌按压小儿的一定部位或穴位,逐渐用力向下按压。主要包括三种形式,分别为:“拇指按法”、“中指按法”和“掌按泥杆 保定古筝 塑料增韧剂 拱形护坡模具 保定空调维修  托辊生产线法”。“按法”是一种刺激较强的手法,常与“揉法”结合应用,组成“按揉”复合手法。“按揉”就是先按后揉,或者边按边揉。
"Pressing method" is to press certain parts or acupoints of children with fingers or palms, and gradually press down with force. It mainly includes three forms: thumb press, middle finger press and palm press. "Pressing method" is a strong stimulation technique, which is often combined with "kneading method" to form a "pressing and kneading" composite technique. "Press and knead" is to press first and then knead, or press and knead at the same time.

